

莊金順教授(King-Shun Chuang, A.P.)



台灣高雄802國軍總醫院神經外科主任醫師 (院證字第117)


        根據莊醫師所發表研究(請參考英文著作,Neurosurgery 51:963-970, 2002),自1986 11 月至1998 5 月,莊金順醫師利用世界創新的立體定位燒灼法,共治療1688位手掌多汗症及54 位頭臉多汗症。



2003年第五屆交感神經國際研討會在德國召開,大會邀請本人以「 立體定位燒灼法治療手汗症」做專題演講並擔任座長,受到國際治療手汗症專家的肯定與讚賞。同時開展手汗症臨床和基礎研究,並獲得重大的成果,在國際上具領先地位。





獲得座長Prof. Jaime Tisnado及與會醫師的讚賞,還說:「此方法乃治療手掌多汗症創新且安全的治療法,希望莊醫師能推廣且嘉惠更多的手汗症患者」。(下圖)



莊金順醫師被評為臺灣國防醫學院優良教師、「 立體定位燒灼法治療手汗症」的發明人、「 利用機器人治療手汗症」。

手汗治療莊金順醫師著作(Publications )及演講摘要


Horseradish Peroxidase Localization Of The Sympathetic Postganglionic Neurons Innervating The Cat Heart
Localization Of The Sympathetic Postganglionic Neurons Innervating Cardiac Coronary Artery With Horseradish Peroxidase In Monkeys.
New Stereotactic Technique For Percutaneous Thermocoagulation Upper Thoracic Ganglionectomy In Cases Of Palmar Hyperhidrosis.
Sympathetic Postganglionic Innervation Of The Cardiac Coronary Artery In Cats
Surgically Correctable Adult Brain Tumors With Focal Seizure Disorders
Functional Neurology
Single Burr-Hole Craniostomy With Closed-System Suction Drainage In Treatment Of Chronic Subdural Hematomas
Alpha-Fetoprotein, Human Chorionic Gonadotropin And Carcinoembryonic Antigen In Pineal Region Tumors
脊髓髓質內腫瘤Intramedullary Spinal Tumors
Spinal Intramedullary Pseudocyst: Case Report
Horseradish Peroxidase Localization Of The Sympathetic Postganglionic Neurons Innervating The Cat Heart
Both Dopaminergic And Adrenergic Receptors In The Brain Are Involved In 
The Behavioural Excitation Induced By Dibutyryl 3',5'-Adenosine Monophosphate And Aminophyline In The Rat

Intracranial arteriovenous malformation; analysis of 167 cases. Journal of Surgical Association (R.O.C),17 (2):81-93, 1984.

1.      Chuang KS, Wu JJ, Wu CC and Shih CJ:Intracranial arteriovenous malformations;Surgical and conservative treatment. The 30th Semiannual Conference of the Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan)P32, 1982.
2.      Chuang KS, Shih CJ, Lin MT and Tsai SH: Effects of thyrotropin-releasing hormone, amphetamine, dibutyryl 3?/span>, 5?/span>-adenosine monophosphate and aminophylline on motor behavior. Bulletin ,neurological Society, R.O.C. (Taiwan)8:5, 1983.
3.      Shih CJ, Tsai SH and Chuang KS: Horseradish peroxidase localization of the sympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating the heart of the cat. Abstract, 6th Asian and Occeanian Congressof Neurology. P 128, 1983 and 6thAsian Australian Congres of Neurological Surgery. P233, 1983.
4.      Chuang KS, Wu JJ, Tsou CK and Shih CJ: Intracranial arteriovenous malformation: Analysis of 167 cases. Annual meeting, Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan)P33,1983.
5.      Shih CJ, Chuang KS, Tsai SH and Liu JC: Site of origin and termination of cardiac sympathetic postganglionic neurons: and HRP studies in the cat. The 32th Semiannual Conference of the Surgical Association of the Republic of China. P43-4, 1983.
6.      Chuang KS, Shih CJ, Wu JJ, Tsai SH: Intracranial arteriovenous malformation: A cooperative study of 261 cases. Bulletin, Neurological Society, R.O.C. (Taiwan)14,1983.
7.      Chuang KS, Shih CJ, Liu JC and Wang SD: Effects of stellate ganglia removal on CV function in cats. Bulletin, Neurological Society, R.O.C. (Taiwan).P8,1984,AND The annual meeting, Surgical Assoc P66, 1984.
8.      Chuang KS,Liu MY, Tsai SH and Wang JC: Microcystic meningioma. The 34th Semiannual Conference, Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan)P54,1984.
9.      Tsai SH, Chuang KS and Su CF: Infratentorial supracerebellar removal of pineal region tumor: The 34thSemiannual Conference, Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan)P54,1984.
10.   Sun MJ, Shih CJ, Wang JC, Chuang KS, et al: Fibrous dysplasia of the skull, Analysis of nine cases. The 34th Semiannual Conferrence, Surgical Association, R.O.C. P68,1984.
11.   Tsai SH, Chuang KS and Chiang JH: Glioblastoma multiforme with sarcomatous component-case report. The 34th Semiannual Conference, Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan)P55,1984.
12.   Sun MJ, Shih CJ, Wang YC, Chuang KS et al.Ossifying fibroma of the skull-tow cases. report and review of literature. Annual meeting, surgical association, R.O.C. (Taiwan) P 75, 1984
13.   Chuang KS, Shih CJ, Liu JC and Wang SD: Effects of stellate ganglionectomy on the cat cardiovascular function. XIII World Congress of Neurology ( West Germany 232: P96, 1985.
14.   Chuang KS, Shih CJ and Lin MT: Baroreflex dysfunction in palmar hyperhidrosis. Bulletin of the Neurological Society, R.O.C. ( Taiwan). P62, 1985
15.   Chen JL, Wang YC, Liu MY and Chuang KS: Clinical experience of intracranial pressure monitoring with fiberoptic epidural sensor. 36th General Scientific Meeting, Surgical Association, R.O.C. P57, 1985.
16.   Sun MJ, Wang YC, Liu MY and Chuang KS: Alpha-fetoprotein in pineal tumors. Bulletin of the Neurological Society. R.O.C. P60, 1985 and The 35th General Scientific Meeting, Surgical Assoc P131-132, 1985.
17.   Chen JL, Wang YC, Chuang KS and Chen HI:Circulatory changes of upper limbs in palmar hyperydrosis after upper thoracic sympathectomy. Bulletin of the Neurological Society. R.O.C. (Taiwan).P63, 1985 and the 35thGeneral Scientific Meeting, Surgical Assoc P130,0985.
18.   Chuang KS, Liu MY and Wang YC: Surgically correctable adult brain tumors present as chronic focal seizure disorders. Bulletin of the Neurological Society, R.O.C. (Taiwan), P66,1986.
19.   Chuang KS, Wang YC, Lin MT: Alteration in behavioral reactions in cerebellectomized rats. Bulletin of the Neurological Society. R.O.C. (Taiwan)P73,1986.
20.   Sun MJ, Mang CL, Wang YC, Liu MY, Chuang KS: Stem cell assay and its sensitivity of human brain tumors: Preliminary report. Bulletin of the Neirologcal Society P46,1986.
21.   Chen JL, Wang YC, Liu MY and Chuang KS et al: Primary intraosseous meningiomas presenting as solitary osteolytic skull lesions. . The 38th General Scientific meeting of the Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan).P139,1986.
22.   Chiang YH, Wang YC, Liu MY, Chuang KS, et al. Traumatic subdural tension pneumocephalus. The 37thGeneral Scientific meeting, Surgical Asso. R.O.C. P132,1986.
23.   Chen JL, Yang YC, Liu MYand Chuang KS: Head injury and shock. The 37th General Scientific meeting, Surgical Association, R.O.C. P130.1986.
24.   Chuang KS, Chen JL and Liu JC: Stereotaxic thermocoagulation of T2 and T3 sympathetic ganglia: A new simple technique. The 39th general scientific meeting, J of Surgical Association. R.O.C. (Taiwan).P286-287,1987.
25.   Chuang KS: Surgical treatment of the lateral ventricular tumors. The 39th General Scientific Meeting of Surgical Association. R.O.C. (Taiwan).P281,1987.
26.   Sun MJ, Wang YC, Liu MY, Chuang KS, Su CF, Lee WH: Primary intracranial germ-cell tumors-clinical analysis of 14 cases. The 39th Genera lScientific Meeting, J of Surgical Association. R.O.C. (Taiwan).P278,1987.
27.   Chen JL, Wang YC, Liu MY, Chuang KS: The effects of vasopression on hemodymamic maintenance in brain death: Aclinical study. The 39th General Scientific Meeting, J of Surgical Association. R.O.C. (Taiwan).P108,1987.
28.   Chuang KS, Shih CJ, Wu JJ, Liu NH & Liu JC: Sympathetic postganglionic neurons innervating the cardiac coronary artery in cat. Bulletin of the Neurological Society. R.O.C. (Taiwan).P43,1987.
29.   Chuang KS and Liu MY: Laser and CUSA in Neurosurgery. The 39th General Scientific Meeting, Billetin of the Neurological Society R.O.C. (Taiwan).P58,1987.
30.   Chiang YS, Wang YC, Liu MY, Chuang KS, Lin SZ and Su CF :Burr-hole craniostomy and closed-system suction drainage in treatment of chronic subdural hematoma. Bulletin of the Neurological Society , R.O.C. (Taiwan).P55,1987.
31.   Chuang KS. Nd-YAG laser in brain Surgery. The 14th Scientific Meeting, Chinese Medical Association. R.O.C. (Taiwan)P62,1987.
32.   Chuang KS, Liou NH and Liu JC. Anew stereotaxic Technique for Percutaneous Thermocoaglation upper Thoracic Ganglionectiomy in palmar hyperhidrosis .The 7th Auralasian Congress of Neurological Surgery, Brisbane, Australia P180,1987.
33.   Shen KL, Chuang KS and Chen HP. Alteration in antinociception, locomotion, and bran monoamine turnover in portacaval rats. The 16th World Congress of the International College of Surgeons, Milan, Italy, 1988.
34.   Chuang KS, Chen JL, Lee WH et al. Effect of thermocoagulation on cat stellate ganglion. The 41st General Scientific Meeting, J of surgical Association. R.O.C. (Taiwan)P371-2, 1988.
35.   Chuang KS, Lin MT and Jao SW. An animal study on the physiological activities of natural organogermanium compound. Bulletin of the Neurological Society, R.O.C. (Taiwan)P42,1988.
36.   Chuang KS, Sun MJ, Chen JL and Chiang YH. Anterior interbody fusion of unstable fracture dislocation in the cervical spine: A modified technique. The 42nd General Scientific Meeting, Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan)p.159,1989.
37.   Chuang KS, Liou NH and Liu JC. Localization of the sympathetic postganglioneurons innervating the cardiac coronary artery with HRP in monkeys. Bulletin of the Neurological Society, R.O.C. (Taiwan).P247,1989.
38.   Chuang KS and Liu JC. Cardiovascular and body surface temperature alteration during upper thoracic ganglionectomy in palmar hyperhidrosis. The 43rd Genercal Scientific Meeting, J of Surgical Association. R.O.C. (Taiwan).P292,1989.
39.   Chuang KS, Liou NH and Liu JC. Horseradish peroxidase localization of the sympathetic postganglionic and parasympathetic neurons innervating the monkey heart. Bulletin of the Neurological Society, R.O.C. (Taiwan).P34,1989.
40.   Chuang KS, Liou NH and Liu JC. Horseradish peroxidaxe localization of the sympathetic postganglionc and parasympathetic neurons innervating the monkey heart. The 9th International Congress of Neurological Surgery New Delhi-India)P7,1989.
41.   Chuang KS, Liou NH and Liu JC. Effects of electrical stimulation or surgical removal of cervical ganglia on cardiovascular function in monkeys. Bulletin of the Neurological Society. R.O.C. (Taiwan)P107,1990.
42.   Chuang KS, Liou NH and Liu JC. A new stereotactic technique for percutaneous thermocoagulation upper thoracic ganglionectomy in palmar heyperhidrosis. Annual Congress, International College of Surgeon, China Section 1990.
43.   Chuang KS, Lin MT and Liu JC and Shih CJ. An approved stereotactic technique for percutaneous thermocoagulation of upper thoracic ganglion in 500 consecutive cases of palmar or facial hyperhidrosis. The 47thGeneral Scientific Meeting of the Surgical Association. Taipei, R.O.C. March ,1991.
44.   Chuang KS, Lin MT and Liu JC. A pplication of Robot to stereotactic thermocoagulation of second thoracic ganglion in cases of palmar hyperhidrosis. The 48th General Scientific Meeting. J of Surgical Association, R.O.C. (Taiwan),March, 1992.
45.   Chuang KS and Liu JC. Long-term assessment of percutaneous stereotactic thermocoagulation of upper thoracic ganglionactomy and sympathectomy for palmar and craniofacial hyperhidrosis in 1742 cases. The 5thInternational symposium on sympathetic Surgery, Erlangen, Germany, May 29-31,2003.
46.   Chuang KS and Liu JC. Long-term assessment of percutaneous stereotactic thermocoagulation of upper thoracic ganglionectomy and sympathectomy for palmar and craniofacial hyperhidrosis in 1742 cases. International College of Surglons, R.O.C. section, Taipei (R.O.C)Oct 24,2003.
47.   Chuang KS and Liu JC. Long-term assessment of percutaneous stereotactic thermocoagulation of upper thoracic ganglionectomy and sympathectomy for palmar and craniofacial hyperhidrosis in 1742 cases.Taiwan Neurosurgical Society.Taipei (R.O.C.)Dec 6-7, 2003.      

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